Online Child Care Classes State Approval

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Are you looking to see if our online child care classes have state approval?  Find approved online child care training. Anyone may take our online child care classes to continue to grow as a child care provider. If you are trying to meet professional development hours or training requirements for your state, the states shown in green have approved or accepted our online classes as part of your training hours. States shown in yellow are pending approval (check back often for updates). States shown in red do not approve our classes for child care training hours. However, you are still welcome to take classes for your own personal development.

**State that have asterisks-These states approve each class individually. Be sure to click on your state to see what specific classes are approved.

Remember: You may use these online child care classes to meet the educational requirement that you need for the 120 clock hours you need for the CDA, The Child Development Associate. This credential is granted by the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition. Click here to see how Child Care Lounge classes meet the CDA competency standards.You may also use our classes towards your CDA renewal.

Click here to see what states accept our classes for teacher re-certification!