Shopping, Supplies, and Resources
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Just about anything you could need for your child care can be found online. Besides the convenience of shopping from the comfort of your home, you may be able to find some great bargains.
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Many companies have online catalogs. These sites are general suppliers and carry a wide variety of products including furniture, office supplies, decorations, toys, teacher aids and materials.
From major suppliers and franchises to small mom and pop operations, there are many toy stores online. Some sites specialize in educational toys, infant toys, folk toys and more. I have tried to include just a small sampling.
BeyondTheBlackboard.comJAAM,LLC. Unique Toys and Gifts
Although many providers and daycare centers are now utilizing child-centered curriculum planning or planning themes on their own, there is another alternative. There are sites that offer ready-made curriculum packets and programs. Here are some of the more popular ones.
- Early Start
- RFTS Preschool and Kindergarten Curriculum
- Pam Ball Unlimited
- Reach for the Stars Preschool
- Wiggles and Tunes - Music Curriculum
Family child care providers and center administrators can find a variety of services available on the internet.
- Self-Publish Children's Book - Get the support you need to write, illustrate, publish and market your book. 5% discount for Child Care Lounge members.
- Allied Time USA - Effective employee time clock solutions
- Manage Daycare Provider Listing
- Daycare Hotline - Resources for starting and operating a daycare program.
- EPrintableCalendars - Create Your Own Free Printable Calendar
- Family Daycare Marketing - Marketing Resources
- The Home Daycare Complete Recordkeeping System
- Honest Buck Accounting - Achieve Financial Success With Less Stress. Accounting & Finance expertise for your growing early childhood business.
- Pam Ball Designs - Quality web design you can afford
- Time Clocks - Find simple employee punch time clocks to sophisticated timekeeping solutions
It wasn't so long ago that daycare providers, directors and administrators spent much of their time literally buried in a mountain of paper work. Now many tasks are simplified with software programs. Some of the tasks performed by the following products include: billing, enrollment records, client database, accounts receivable, and waiting lists.
- Daycare Waitlist
- EZ-CARE2 Childcare Management Software
- HiMama - Never forget those special moments
- iCare-Running a childcare center is child’s play when you use the right software
Staff Orientation-Counting Fingerplays- Art Recipes-Family Child Care Guide -
Click links below to order toddler books written by Child Care Lounge trainer Joni Levine: