Patriotic Theme and Activities
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Celebrate Flag Day and the Fourth of July with a variety of patriotic activities.
Patriotic Songs and Fingerplays
Down at the Flagpole (Tune: Down at the station)
Down at the flagpole,
Early in the morning,
We will raise our flag,
The red, white, and blue.
We stand at attention,
It's something that we do.
We salute the colors,
The red, white, and blue.
Wave (Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)
Wave, wave, wave the flag,
Hold it very high.
Watch the colors gently wave,
Way up in the sky.
March, march, march around,
Hold the flag up high.
Wave, wave, wave the flag,
Way up in the sky.
Red, White Blue (Tune: 3 Blind Mice)
Red, white, blue
Red, white, blue
Stars and stripes too
Stars and stripes too
We celebrate Independence Day
Each July 4th, the American Way
With red, white, blue

Patriotic Art Activities
Star Painting
Cut sponges into star shapes. Provide a shallow tin of paint for the children to dip the sponges in and then press a pattern onto the paper. You can also use star cookie cutters.
There are two ways to create fireworks paintings. You can let the child use bath scrubbies or steel wool pads for painting stamps. Be sure to have them blot of excess paint before pressiong onto the paper. You can also let children drop small blobs of paint onto a dark colored paper and then they can use a straw to blow the paint around creating a star burst effect. Remember to prick tiny holes near the top of the straws so that the child can not suck up any paint.
Start with a paper towel tube. Glue or tape ribbons or streamers on one end and let the child decorate with crepe paper, stickers, glitter etc.. These are also great parade props.
Patriotic Math and Science
Flag Counting
Show children an American Flag. Talk about and count how many stars are on the flag. Ask children to guess how many stripes there are. Record estimates, then count the actual number.
Star Patterns
Provide pattern strips with star stickers, or foam star cut-outs and let children create or finish patterns.
Patriotic Sensory Table
Fill a sensory table or sensory bin with dyed red and blue rice, along with white rice. Include shovels, scoops, cups, etc.
Fireworks in a Bottle
Let children fill a plastic water bottle with red, white, and blue curling ribbon or pipecleaners, glitter, star confetti, etc. Fill with water for a cool sensory bottle.
Fizzing Fireworks
Use vinegar and baking soda to create Fizzing Fireworks.
Patriotic Motor Skills and Movement
Firework Moving
Have the children pretend to be fireworks. When you yell "BOOM," they start making fireworks movements and sounds. When you yell "CRASH," they fall to the floor. Provide colorful streamers for them to use when moving around.
Patriotic Snacks
Pretzel Sparklers
Give each child a pretzel rod. Have them dip the end in melted chocolate. Let them add red, white and blue sprinkles or other candies to stick to the chocolate.
Red, White, and Blue Parfaits
Top a bowl of ice cream with blueberries and strawberries for a patriotic dessert.
Star Jigglers
Make red and blue Jello® Jigglers in the shape of stars.